Roasted Garlic and Onion Jam

Last weekend, the hubs and I did a little shopping at Whole Foods while we were in Baton Rouge.  I love shopping there on the weekends, they have so many samples set up to taste!  One of the things we tried was roasted garlic and onion jam on top of goat cheese, it was sooo heavenly!  The price was reaching for the heavens as well!  $6.99 for a small jar.  Um, no thanks!

But Google is our friend.  I found a knockoff recipe for the same jam and it seemed pretty easy.  We bought some of the goat cheese they served it with (Capricho De Cabra – Plain) but really, any goat cheese or even maybe a cream cheese would work fine.    My knockoff version was fantastic, my husband and I are munching on it as I type this up!  It was easy to make and the ingredients were inexpensive, probably cost me $2-3 to make.  Much better than the ready-made price!  It’s great for a little something new for your next appetizer.

Roasted Garlic and Onion Jam
Source:  Chowhound

3 large onions, peeled and diced
2 heads of garlic, roasted and removed from skins
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp white sugar
dash of salt
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar


Spray a large nonstick frying pan with cooking spray.  Saute’ onions until soft and translucent.  Add the sugars and cook until onions are browned and no liquid remains.  Add 1/4 cup water, combine well and cover, cooking (stirring occassionally) until water is absorbed.  Add the balsamic vinegar, roasted garlic and another 1/4 cup water.  Stir well and cook until thick and not liquid.  Place in food processor and pulse till no large chunks remain.

Serve over cheese of your choice, with crackers.

Roasted Garlic and Onion Jam over Goat Cheese


P.S.  You could probably jar this stuff if you made a few batches!

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