Shrimp Butter

I was recently one of the hosts for a baby shower for one of my best friends, Morgan.  I was in charge of food, really it was just snacks since it was mid-day.  I wanted the food to be a little “nicer” than the done-to-death cheese trays and frozen and defrosted appetizers.  Morgan loves shrimp so when I saw a recipe for shrimp butter, I was intrigued and knew she would like it.

I had no idea what this would taste like, so it was a bit of a gamble making it for the first time to serve to a bunch of people.  But it was great, and it tasted just like what it is – butter with shrimp in it.  I know that doesn’t SOUND good, but trust me.  It was good stuff!

Shrimp Butter

Shrimp Butter
Recipe from Elizabeth’s Edible Experience

2 (8 oz) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 lb unsalted butter, softened
1 pound shrimp, peeled, cooked and finely chopped
3 tbsp grated onion
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp pepper


In an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and butter together until fluffy and well-mixed.  Add the rest of the ingredients and beat until combined.  Serve either on pieces of toast points or in a bowl for people to serve themselves.  (Note:  don’t use butter crackers, as they mask the flavor too much.  I used Melba Toast.)

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