Banoffee Pie

So by now you’ve probably figured out that I’m a Pinterest addict.  I’ve been seeing recipes for Banoffee Pie on Pinterest for a while, and I repinned them but it was never one of those things I “needed” to make.  But it so happened that my friend Jen made this pie to bring to a potluck dinner with friends, she didn’t call it banoffee pie though, just banana caramel pie.  And it was amazing.

I fussed at my husband because he didn’t try any that night.  He NEVER tries desserts!  I tried explaining to him that this is a pie dreams are made of.  He was skeptical, being the dessert hater that he is.  So last weekend my brother and his girlfriend came to visit and I saw this as my big chance to make The Pie.  They loved it and James finally tried a piece, and was hooked.  He was so hooked that between last Saturday and today (following Friday), I’ve made the pie three times.  Yep.  Three.  He was excited that I made it last night to try out a store-bought caramel because he said he didn’t have to share it with anyone.  And he didn’t really…boy ate half the pie last night!

So yeah, it’s good.  If you don’t have room in your life for new addictions, I recommend you don’t try it.  But if you do try it, there’s no turning back.

Banoffee Pie

P.S.  It calls for boiling cans of sweetened condensed milk for 2-3 hours, but I had stuff to do so yeah, I boiled it for an hour and a half and it was fine.  Also, you can buy a can of this stuff (see photo) below and it does the trick in a pinch if you don’t have time to boil the cans.  Saves major time.


You can cheat and use this.

Banoffee Pie
Recipe from Jennifer

1 frozen pie crust, baked and cooled per the instructions
2 ripe bananas, sliced into rounds
1 can caramelized sweetened condensed milk (see instructions below)
Whipped topping
Heath milk chocolate toffee bits (make sure to get the one with chocolate on it – found near chocolate chips)


  • To caramelize the sweetened condensed milk, remove the labels from the cans (though you only need one for a pie, it’s easy to do several at a time – they will keep for ages in the fridge if unopened!) but do not open the can.  Place the cans in a large stockpot and fill with water, so the tops of the cans are covered by an inch or two of water.  Cover and boil for 2-3 hours (or an hour and a half like me) making sure the water is covering the tops of the cans at all time.  Do not let the water evaporate to where the cans aren’t covered.  Allow the cans to cool before handling – they will be HOT!  Once completely room temperature you can open them, but not before that because they could explode!

This is what mine looked like.

  • Layer the bananas in the pie shell, then pour the caramelized condensed milk over the top, making an even layer on top of the bananas.  Cover with whipped topping, then sprinkle on the Heath bar bits and refrigerate until ready to serve!

Banoffee Pie – Before

Banoffee Pie – After


One response to “Banoffee Pie

  1. Cindy Lemoine (your dad's friend)

    i would use a graham cracker crust instead of pie shell. The other change I would make – I turn the cans of condensed milk in the boiling water to insure even carmelization. If you have never made a cararmel icing cake using carmelized condensed milk, YOU SHOULD. it is simply the bomb.

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