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Beef Tortilla Soup

I know. It’s June and I live in Louisiana. You’re asking yourself, “Why on Earth is Christen cooking soup in June in Louisiana?” I get it. A lot of people do not eat soups when it’s hot out. My theory on that is that I still drink coffee when it’s hot out. I still eat warmed up spaghetti, jambalaya, etc.

So yeah, I made soup today, on Father’s Day. My husband wasn’t feeling great. I’m choosing it was not my driving on the way to go see Maverick that caused him to have motion sickness. It was definitely the dare-devil flying that ol’ Maverick was getting up to. Not my driving. Regardless, I decided to make soup and wanted something different. I was trying to find a copycat recipe from the tortilla soup at Texas Land and Cattle, but was not successful. I did find this recipe that’s a copycat of the soup at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio. I’ve never had it, but it seemed easy enough.

The verdict was that it was both easy enough AND freaking fantastic! I just so happened to have some smoked/roasted poblano peppers, which really helped with the easy part. I’ll have to make sure that I just happen to have those on hand for next time! Seriously though, this was like if tortilla soup and taco soup had a love child. Perfect mix. Make it, because I doubt I’ll be sharing! lol

Beef Tortilla Soup

Beef Tortilla Soup
Recipe adapted from Urban Cowgirl Life

1 lb. lean ground beef
1 tbsp olive oil (give or take)
generous sprinkle of favorite seasoning – I use Holy Voodoo
1 onion, diced
2 smoked or roasted poblano peppers, seeds and stems removed
4 cloves minced garlic
6 oz. tomato paste
1 can fire-roasted diced tomatoes
1/2 tbsp oregano (I added a few shakes of Green & Red Hatch Chili Flakes from Trader Joe’s)
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp. Mexican hot chili powder
2 quarts beef stock
2 tbsp cilantro, chopped
1/2 tbsp Kosher salt
1/2 tsp pepper
Toppings: sour cream, queso fresco, avocado, tortilla strips, whatever the heart wants…

In a large soup pot with a lid, heat about a tbsp of olive oil over medium heat, then add your ground beef. Begin to brown it, seasoning with your favorite seasoning (I like Holy Voodoo, you can just use salt if you want). As the meat cooks, break it up into small pieces with your spoon. Once the meat is browned, add your onions, cover with the lid, and cook for a few minutes until soft. If you are using fresh (as in not smoked or roasted) peppers, you can add them at this point as well to make sure they get soft. Once the onion is soft, add the roasted poblano pepper and garlic, cook for another minute or so until fragrant. Add your can of diced tomatoes. I like to let this cook for a few minutes so I can pick out the tomato skin. You don’t have to do that, but that’s just me. Cook for about five minutes.

Add the cumin, chili powder, oregano, salt, and pepper. Stir well to combine. Stir in the tomato paste until fully mixed in. Cook for a minute. Stir in the beef stock, then add the cilantro. Cover and cook over medium heat at least 20 minutes, but you may let simmer for a while.

Serve with your favorite garnish.

Heroin Chicken

*There are no illegal substances in the ingredients of this chicken dish.*

It’s a name that gets your attention.  Though I’ve never done any sort of drugs so I wouldn’t know, this chicken dish claims to be addictive, much like heroin (apparently).  I was curious so I gave it a try, it was mostly ingredients I had on hand. 

My husband is not always the biggest fan of baked chicken, but he really enjoyed this.  It was easy to put together and really packed with flavor.  We had leftovers so the next day i sliced the chicken and we used it in a salad, which was great.  One tip is that I baked it on a cooling rack set over a cookie sheet and make SURE you cover that cookie sheet with aluminum foil to make cleanup easy! 


Heroin Chicken
Recipe from

4 pieces boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 cups grated parmesan cheese
2 tbsp dried parsley
2 tbsp dried oregano
3 tsp paprika
1 tsp pepper
2/3 cup melted butter


Preheat oven to 350.  Set up your bowls for coating the chicken.  First put melted butter in a bowl or shallow dish.  In another bowl, combine  the cheese and seasonings.

Cover a rimmed backing sheet with foil, then place a cooling rack on top.  Dip each chicken breast first in the butter, then in the seasoned cheese mixture, then place on the baking sheet.  Bake 30-45 minutes until cooked through.

Red Velvet Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

This year my daughter was really into 4th of July.  Or as she called it, 4th in July.  She asked for weeks when it was going to be 4th in July, what we were going to do, would there be fireworks, etc.  We had no special plans since her Daddy had to work, so I tried to make it as exciting as I could for her.

She loves to help me cook, so when I saw the red, white and blue cake on my friend The Nifty Foodie’s blog, I knew she’d love to make it.  We got all the ingredients, but then our day got busy so we didn’t actually bake this until a few days after the holiday!  It was an easy cake to put together and the icing was fun to put on.  Everyone said it looked like fireworks. 


Red Velvet Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

Red Velvet Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese Icing
Recipe from The Nifty Foodie, originally from Kiss My Bundt Bakery (via LA Times)

Cake Ingredients:
1 1/4 cups vegetable oil
1 cup buttermilk
2 eggs, room temperature
2 tbsp Wilton No Taste red gel food coloring
1 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp vanilla
2.5 cups all-purpose flour
1 3/4 cups sugar
1 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp cocoa powder

Icing Ingredients:
8 oz cream cheese, softened
4 oz butter, softened
2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1/2 tsp vanilla


  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • For the cake, mix the oil, buttermilk, food coloring, eggs, vanilla and vinegar into the bowl of your stand mixer.  Using the paddle attachment, mix on medium speed for a minute.
  • In another bowl, sift together the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder). 
  • With the mixer on low, slowly add the dry ingredients.  Make sure no clumps develop.
  • Pour the mixture into a bundt pan that has been greased and floured.  Bake for 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the cake comes out clean.

To make the icing, simply blend the ingredients together using a hand mixer, until it is light and fluffy.  Divide into three bowls, and add a little red gel food coloring to one, blue to another and leave the third white.  Place the icing into three ziploc bags and snip a small end off of the bottom point.  Drizzle the icing over the cooled cake.


Red Velvet Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

Garlic Cheese Bread Sticks

I was recently looking for recipes to utilize my bread machine and was thrilled when I came across a bread machine cookbook at my parents house.  They said that they don’t use it much and let me borrow it.

It didn’t take me long to figure out my first thing to cook.  I was making some spaghetti and meat sauce so I decided to make some bread sticks.  This recipe was really great.  It was very easy to make.  You make the dough in the machine and then the baking is done in the regular oven.  They are some delicious bread sticks – the recipe made 12 bread sticks and three adults wiped them out!

Garlic Cheese Bread Sticks
Recipe from:  More Bread Machine Magic

Ingredients for the dough:
3/4 cup warm water
2 tsp margarine
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
2 cups bread flour
1.5 tsp active dry yeast
Ingredients for topping:
2 tbsp melted butter
2 tbsp olive oil
1 clove minced garlic
1 tbsp fresh grated Parmesan cheese

Place all the ingredients for the dough in the machine, in the order listed.  Select the dough setting and press start.  Keep an eye on it because sometimes you need to use a silicone spatula to get the dough from the corners. 

Once the machine has indicated that the dough cycle has ended, empty the dough onto a lightly floured surface.  With a floured rolling pin, roll the dough out into a 9×10 rectangle.  Place it on a greased baking sheet. 

Using a pizza cutter, cut into six strips, then cut those strips evenly in half.  Slightly separate.  Cover and let rise in a warm place for 30-45 minutes until doubled in size.  Remove and preheat oven to 375. 

Combine the topping ingredients and brush half of the mixture over the bread sticks.  Bake 15-20 minutes or until turning golden.  Brush the remaining half of the mixture over the bread sticks and serve.

Garlic Cheese Bread Sticks

Top 10 Posts of the Year

I thought I’d end the year out with a list of the top posts viewed on the blog.  So this is what the blog has generated as the most popular posts.  Some of them are a little surprising, some make perfect sense!  But most importantly, thank you for supporting my little blog and I look forward to a new year of recipes!

Cooking With Christen Top 10

1.  White Chicken Chili
2.  Ultimate Chocolate Cupcakes
3.  Christen’s Chicken Salad
4.  Avocado Ice Cream
5.  Roasted Banana Ice Cream
6.  Chicken Pot Pie with Savory Crumb Topping
7.  Brazilian Chicken Pot Pie
8.  Orange Nutella King Cake
9.  Toasted Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies
10.  Happy 2nd Birthday!  An Elmo Party!

Happy New Year!


With Thanksgiving fast approaching, it’s nice to acknowledge the things or people you are thankful for.  It goes without saying, of course that I am thankful for my health and my family (and the health of my family).  I’m thankful for my husband, he’s an amazing man and a wonderful father to our daughter.  I’m immensely thankful for our daughter, who is such an angel and a pleasure (though you do occasionally glimpse some horns poking out from that halo!).

I’m also thankful for my friend Morgan.  So Morgan, this post is for you!  I met Morgan when my husband and I first moved to town.  She and her husband were moving into their condo a few doors down at the same time we were moving into ours.  We would chat outside and quickly became good friends.  She’s been there through a lot with me and I always know I can count on her friendship.  She comes over and even when I’m cooking something totally strange-sounding, she does try it, hesitant sometimes though.  But she tries it! 

Morgan and her fur-baby, Hunter

She also brought some prized goodies to me the other day, and since this IS a cooking blog I thought I’d share some pictures of them with you.  Last weekend was the annual Pecan Festival in Colfax, LA and she picked up a pecan pie and a 1 lb. bag of shelled pecans and brought them to me.  Mmmmm, I’m already planning what I can make with those pecans….as for the pie – well it didn’t last long, it’s gone!

Thanks for being a great friend, NeNe (what my daughter calls her)!

Shelled Pecans & Pecan Pie

Woohoo for awards!

What sweetness. Fellow blogger Debra left a comment saying that she gave me an award for my cooking blog! I really enjoy keeping up my blogs, and in fact have some more recipes to put up, just have to find the time to do it! But every award is not without its’ rules.

These are the rules:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I’m not a random blog looker, I always look at the same ones over and over. So my picks for awards are the blogs I regularly look at!

1. Mr. Lesley Cooks
2. Scrumptiously Sassy
3. Sweet Tea and The Red Sox
4. Flatwoods Folk Art
5. The Tubre Quads
6. Life of Lacie
7. There’s A Bear In Your Kitchen!
8. The Meyers, Plus TWO!
9. Rules of Engagement
10. The Wilsons
11. Pink Tales
12. Jelly Bean’s Blog
13. The Hurricane Hannah Chronicles
14. Elizabeth’s Edible Experience
15. Skinny Food By Amy

Hope everyone has a little spot of sunshine in their day!

Blogger’s Note RE: Cowboy Caviar

I just wanted to note how crazy/amazing it is that my blog gets so many hits for people looking up Cowboy Caviar. I literally get dozens of people per day! Yet, NOBODY has left a comment. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not! Just funny 🙂